DEKit Blogs
Four Reasons Custom Deck Flooring is Not a DIY Project
Posted by Louis Karpel onWhen it comes to marine decking for boats, there is a range of various products - but they are definitely not the same. You made a significant investment when you purchased your boat, so it only makes sense to invest in things that will protect the equity you have in it, while also making it more enjoyable.
Cleaning Marine Decking the Right Way
Posted by Louis Karpel onDEKit's marine decking is designed to help keep your deck looking great for the long haul, and it also provides a great shock absorber to soften the blows of a day at sea. But to keep the marine decking itself looking new, it is important to clean it correctly.
What Nautical Decking Is and Why You Should Consider It
Posted by Louis Karpel onAlthough “nautical decking” is a very broad term, it generally refers to decking that covers the deck of your boat. If you are running fishing charters or have a boat for your own recreation, nautical decking is an excellent way to protect the finish of your boat’s deck to keep it looking like new.
Summer Is in Full Swing - Is Your Boat Decked Out Enough for Success?
Posted by Louis Karpel onAs things start to return to some semblance of normalcy, people are flocking to vacation destinations for new adventures.
DEKit Vendor Highlight - Meet Michael Mizvesky
Posted by Louis Karpel onDEKit is a company built on the desire to deliver the highest-quality products in the industry. But we also pride ourselves on the greatest buying experience and installation. Michael Mizvesky is a vendor that we would like to highlight this month. He is revamping our DEKit product line one location...
Common Questions About Marine Deck Flooring - Answered!
Posted by Louis Karpel onWhen it comes to marine deck flooring, DEKit is the leading manufacturer in the industry. DEKit products were made to be as durable as possible, while offering a wonderful customized and upgraded look. We have an antimicrobial, anti-fatiguing, and non-slip design that gives you all you need to make your...