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DEKit Vendor Highlight - Meet Michael Mizvesky

Posted by Louis Karpel on
DEKit Vendor Highlight - Meet Michael Mizvesky

DEKit is a company built on the desire to deliver the highest-quality products in the industry. But we also pride ourselves on the greatest buying experience and installation. Michael Mizvesky is a vendor that we would like to highlight this month. He is revamping our DEKit product line one location at a time across the New York, New Jersey, & Connecticut tri-state area.

“Customization is our number-one goal. We need to invest in the best technology so that we are helping our customers as conveniently and comprehensively as possible. We have a very short season, so expediting orders while maintaining consistent quality is very important when we only have April through September to work with. My goal is to help all captains & crew enjoy their boats more; regardless if it’s pulling in that first bluefin of the year on your first trip offshore or hitting the sand bar with friends - using DEKit TRIstate should make your experience better!” — Michael Mizvesky

Growing Up in the Fishing World - Michael Is No Stranger to Boats!

Michael was born and raised on Long Island, so he grew up on the water. His father was a commercial lobsterman & avid fisherman, so has always been immersed in all things on the water. Michael attended the Naval Academy with Jeff Brauser, the COO of DEKIt, and they have remained friends over the years. DEKit was pleased when Michael decided to join the DEKit team to help introduce the product to the northeast.

Michael’s background is in sales and business development, so he committed himself to help establish and grow the Connecticut and New Jersey markets. Unlike other places around the nation where boating and fishing run pretty much year-round, water activities and commerce have a shorter lifespan up north. As a result, the products need to move faster to accommodate a smaller weather window.

Building an Operation That is Accessible and Responsive

Currently, Michael is working alongside Dallas Gant (New Jersey), Justin Walter (CT), & Colin Anderson & Daniel Schaefer (NY) to create an operation that is accessible and reliable to a large area. DEKit TRIstate has committed to having a dedicated representative in busy areas who has the local knowledge and the ability to consult with customers in their specific needs and goals, combined with the customized responsiveness that DEKit’s brand is built on.

Having specific representatives for each area means they are more aware of the needs of their customer base and the hurdles that can sometimes present themselves. In the foam decking market, competitors have consistently had a hard time overcoming difficulties. So Michael and his team have set their sights on investing to overcome the limitations that others have not been able to.

Customization is Their Top Goal

Michael and his team believe that investing in multiple representatives, and supplying them with the equipment in strategic areas, is the best way to service his clients. Their goal continues to be to deliver the highest-level product in the most efficient manner, which is only possible with the right staffing and individualization.

At the heart of the operation is dispatching people immediately to ensure that they are as reactive to customers as possible. They are constantly hiring, investing, and training to keep up with demand so that they can continue to deliver 100% customer satisfaction 100% of the time.

Humbled By Taking Hold in the Community

DEKit is pretty heavily focused on the offshore fishing community in the Long Island, NJ, and Connecticut coastlines - but they’re constantly growing. They have been really fortunate to have built a great rapport with a lot of people in the fishing community who both validate and recommend DEKit products.

Michael is very excited to see DEKit take hold in the market. There is growing support from former customers who - unprompted - often go out of their way to defend TRIstates’ work. He maintains that it is a very humbling and much-appreciated honor. The amazing customer feedback tells him that they are doing what they set out to. You can find them on Instagram @Dekit_Tristate or Facebook @ DEKIT Tristate.

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