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Build Your Brand in 2021 by Investing in Decking Your Boat for Luxury

Posted by Louis Karpel on
Build Your Brand in 2021 by Investing in Decking Your Boat for Luxury

If you are like the rest of the businesses in the nation, you might have taken a significant hit during the pandemic of the past year. Tourism and travel is one of the industries that might have been hit harder than any other as people were ordered to stay home. With the New Year upon us and a vaccine in circulation, there are hopes that as the year progresses, things will return to life as we know it.

In fact, we are already seeing things ease a little bit and people start to venture out and rejoin life already. While you are waiting for tourism to get back to full steam ahead, why not take the time to invest in your business and build your brand. That way, when the world opens for regular business, you will be that much ahead of the competition. DEKit products are an excellent way to make your water vessel look outstanding and to build your brand!

Foam Decking

Not only do you want to keep your deck looking nice, you want to stop your boat deck from having those little nicks and dings that can start to weather your boat and make it look less than sparkling new. Our foam decking has an industry leading warranty, so it is an investment that will last. They can also be customized with your logo for a branded “look.”

And since you want your luxury ride to be all about comfort, our foam decking is also made to absorb shock to your joints and muscles, which makes for a much happier experience for your guests. Our foam padding is an excellent way to protect your business investment by reducing wear and tear and keeping everything not only looking nice, but can also be customized with your brand prominently displayed for all to see. It is a great way to add a little luxury to beat out the competition.


The way to build a brand is through familiarity; therefore, the more that you can have your logo seen, the more loyalty you will build for your brand. We offer custom logo RTIC cooler tops and Yeti cooler tops for a for a little bit of “class” for your passengers. We can also custom make cooler tops for every brand of cooler that you have onboard. When you invest in your vessel, it shows, and we seek to highlight all of those things on board that set you apart from other charters and commercial vessels.


When people are paying for a fishing charter, they want the experience of the “big catch.” What better way to bring their day to life and have memories for them to take with them than measuring their catch against a backdrop with your brand logo. Think of all the selfies and social media perks you will unwittingly get when they post what awesome fishermen they are. There is nothing wrong with a little gratuitous marketing that they aren’t even aware of!


Nothing says “custom” more than having a crew that is decked out in some pretty fantastic and cool looking gear. Have all your mates wearing branded hats, sun hoodies, and top neck gaiters to further feel the total luxury package with your brand displayed. And if you want to give your passengers something to remember the trip by, hand out custom cups and hats with your logo on them that will leave them with a good impression of their day and your charter.

When the pandemic is over and people can return to the status pre-pandemic quo, you probably will have a hard time keeping up with your schedule. To keep yourself ahead of the competition over the next coming months, invest in furthering your look and your brand. That way, when you put the “open for business” sign out, you can do it with an upgraded look and start to build your brand for the coming year, and the bright future, ahead.

Check out all the foam decking products that DEKit has to offer today!

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