Captain Vinnie LaSorsa is a life-long addict of the waterman and outdoorsman lifestyle. He grew up traveling the east coast Fishing from Montauk to South Florida and continues to while running the highly custom 42-foot Freeman, Last Mango. After becoming a licensed captain at 19 years old, he began his professional career on the water. While advancing his sport-fishing prowess he has also been published in several well-known fishing magazines where he has shared tactics, written the monthly Bahamas fishing forecast and promoted the world that he is so passionate about. Sharing this passion lead him to form Freedom Fighter Outdoors with the help of his wife Sarah, his family and his closest friends. F.F.O. (www.FreedomFighterOutdoors.org) a 501C3 non-profit, organizes outdoor activities for injured veterans of any age to build camaraderie and to facilitate in adjusting back to civilian life.

I started to think about how I could give back and thought what better way than to do what I do every day; take these guys fishing.
Vinnie LaSorsa